Originally Posted by masaegu
But what is 生ける? Look it up in a good dictionary and it will tell you that it means "to arrange flowers (in a vase)". I am sure you know the word 生け花. It does not have another meaning. Or does this just mean you still have problems in forming the potential, passive voice, etc?
Ah! Sorry! I was on autopilot and totally didn't realise my mistake here. I realize now it should be 生きられる。 I've left it as できる though as examples seem to show either 生活をする or 生活する being used.
Originally Posted by masaegu
私生活 means "private life". Are you sure this is what you want to say, though? I myself would lean more towards "independent life", which would be 自立した生活, but you are the author.
I struggled with wording this sentence as to me private life and independant life mean similar things, I just wanted to emphasize the freedom they have outside of their working environment. In that sense, I think 自立した生活 fits better as I really wanted this independance to be a point. Thanks for pointing it out!
I changed this sentence to: メードの女性やホステスは
自分の自立した生活ができるので現代的な女性を代表ですが、仕事で男性に従順であ ることが求められています
I haven't posted the corrected piece just yet as I have to remove all the blasted furigana so it formats correctly, but I'll do that later and post the English too so any learners can compare.
Oh, and I was just wondering... If I was to say "What do
you think?" at the end of my speech, would 「皆さん、メード喫茶に関してどうだと思いますか?」 or would について be more appropriate (not limiting it to personal feelings)?
Thank you so, so, so, so much for your help, masaegu!! If there's anything at all I can do to return the favour please just say! Thanks again!!!