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justt (Offline)
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Join Date: Jan 2011
What's a good school in Japan to study Japanese short term? - 01-18-2011, 04:29 AM

I've been searching the internet however I know there are a lot of schools that are over price or really bad (as well as where I am from).

I'm looking to stay in Tokyo around WEST SIDE/Shibuya/Shinjuku/Hachioji for 3 months and study Japanese while I can.

If anyone can give me a lists of some school you know of it'll be great. I did find one call Samu Language School but it doesn't provide much information.

Also, if I was to study short courses in Japan can I get a student Visa? I heard most people say you can't for short course. However, the visa goes for 90 days and most short course go for 3months so I don't know how that work.

Thanks so much
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