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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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01-18-2011, 04:40 AM

Originally Posted by josebrown View Post
MMM: i was under the assumption that total travel time each way can be up to 24 hours with stops etc.

Sangetsu: thanks, if flight time only 13-14 hours that's great.

customs etc, how long does it take? customs is a 3-4 hour affair if you are last in line coming into the US.
The only time I have heard someone spending 24 hours in transit from US to Japan is doing a layover in Korea, which might be a cheaper ticket, but it adds 12 hours to the trip.

I haven't flown into Narita in a long time, but into Kansai customs is probably 15 minutes. It's taken as long as 30 or 40 minutes when another flight landed right before us.

Where are you landing where it takes 3 or 4 hours to go through customs in the US, that sounds awful! I usually come in through Vancouver BC, Seattle, Portland or San Francisco, and it has never taken more than 45 minutes at any of those airports, and usually is around 20 minutes.
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