Originally Posted by drudown99
I live in the U.S. but just dont feel right here. Everything is centered around how much money u have and how can u show it off. I practice daoism and am happy with the small things in life, martal arts, meditation, just being one with yourself and enjoying life. I know everyone needs money to survive and i will work hard for what i need but i dont need all the excess that americans love.
I beleive that the chinese and japanese cultures are more intuned to a life i would like to live.
I need help deciding if i should move to china or japan. Which is more tranquil and layed back. and once i decied where i will start to study the language and culture but first i need to decide where to go? any suggestions?
It's hard to say, because I think it's not important of a place but way of thinking.
If you know what you should do you can do anywhere you live.
Of course if you really think you should move to act like yourself I support you.
I think Japan is not a contry like you think. Everything is centered around how much money u have and how can u show it off. Same with America.
I understand your feeling though, I've been to Australia.
And I got it. The problem is not place, the problem is me.
I know you are not me and I think you are much more adult than me.
Anyway I agree with bELyVIS, you should visit first and then decied by yourself.
If you need any help to find Japanese school or some support feel free to contact with me.