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JF Ossan
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01-18-2011, 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
I agree, it's definitely not degrading to many women who do modeling etc.

I also think it isn't degrading for many women who work as prostitutes or in other forms of sexual entertainment (stripping etc).
I also think that some women would feel degraded by working as swimsuit models. It's definitely up to the individual woman.

In fact if I had to flip burgers for a living I would feel degraded, humiliated, and at a loss of self esteem. But I think I could take some money for sex a few times without nearly as much damage.
I think I agree with you. It really is up to the individual. One woman might say "I would never wear a tight tank top and short shorts for my work. I would feel like I am being leered at like a piece of meat." And then another woman might say "You want to pay me to wear a tight tank top and short shorts and look hot? Where do I sign up?"

It is a personal choice, as you said. Each person has a theoretical line.

I wouldn't feel degraded if I worked at a fast food restaurant. There is nothing degrading about working at fast food. I would feel like I was working at a level lower than my potential, however. I think that is different from being degraded.

I have been doing translation for several years. I have had people tell me that could not do this kind of work (even if they could do it) because it is "invisible". "I would want a job where I am heralded for my good work." I understand the thinking, but I have no personal need to have my name branded all over the work I do. I translate other people's words, so my name isn't important. Getting paid is, however.
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