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(#98 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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01-18-2011, 02:24 PM

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
there are men who are prostitutes...didn't know, dogsbody?

MMM. i've seen documentaries about those girls in USA who are prostitutes legally. they were guarded like the president - all risk prevention actions where taken...i would say those girls are in more danger while walking in high-heel shoes than working as prostitutes.

for girls who do it legally i have no sympathy for and i do not condemn them - they want to do it, make very good money and they are in no danger. good for them.
the illeagal ones...most of them are drop outs too dumb to do anything else so they do only thing that's left for nice and easy money.
i'm only sorry for those who are among kidnapped or have other bad circumstances and then forced to be sex slaves .

you have cheek envanny to say most prostitutes are dumb or drop outs.

There can be so many reasons why many girls are forced to do it because they have no other real choice.

Here in Uk many who were brought up in the care system are seen tout into the world with very little help or they are runaways who get hooked by PIMPs who pretend to care about them-- then before they know it they are heavily into drugs and forced on the sexual supply chain for men.

We read that Thailand is the place to go. How many of those girls are there willingly? How manyyoung girls ar ehanded over by their own families to the sex trade?

Yes I know there may be some male prostitutes-- but we do not usually hear about them do we?

It is also very dangerous. Never knowing what a man may do to them?

If a man had real respect for women-- he would consider them-- and not just treat them as vessels to be used for their own gratification.

Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world after all so I guess that when God Created Man and women he wasn't too fussy about how the female was treated .
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