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(#102 (permalink))
Brass (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 83
Join Date: Feb 2010
01-18-2011, 05:06 PM

To MissMisa - to finish up our exchange, after reading your post in it's entirety and your responses to MMM I can only conclude that you have a strong moral objection to the practice of prostitution that leads to you some not necessarily correct assumptions and conclusions about the people in the industry. Yes, I am sure some women mad bad decisions and get trapped in that lifestyle, and are abused, etc, but the same could be said about slave labor that makes the shoes you wear. Or the women who do porn, or strip clubs, as others as pointed out.

But like I said, it just comes down to your strong moral objection to specifically prostitution so it's really a moot point as we obviously just have very different morals and I look at things from a more logically standpoint and you a more moral/emotional standpoint.

For dogsbody70 (and others) - The men who use these places are normal men like myself. Yes there are scumbags that use these places, but there are scumbags everywhere and you won't be able to avoid them if you're in ANY kind of service industry.

But for the most part, regular, educated upper income 9-5 salary men are probably the ones who have the disposable income to frequent these places. Nothing at all wrong with us.
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