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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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01-19-2011, 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
The evidence is right there. The US army says what it's doing and the field reports proove that it's doing exactly that. As to American interests, Muslims fighting muslims is in America's interest and we have succeeded very well in that. While it's true the Arbian nations have histroically been tribal, we have managed to so enhance tribal differences that trust between these different groups will take generations. That's generations they won't be able to offer unified apposition to US interests in the region.

Operational success.
Umm.. like what? Give me an example.

For example I didn't know the US said that they went out to kill civilians and surrenderring enemy combatants. Because that is what the reports show among other things.

And what do you mean Arabian nations have historically been tribal? The Middle East had cities and civilization while Europeans were still livng in straw huts.

You're talking out of your ass Ryozorian.
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