Thread: Re Abortions
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01-19-2011, 02:00 AM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
often when a woman has a miscarriage there is something wrong with the foetus or baby or she cannot contain it for some reason.

Nature is supposed to know best-- what about the babies that are born prematurely? Many can be kept alive from very early stages these days
5 points to the clever one. As mentioned, it's VERY common for women to have a miscarriage the first time they're pregnant. However, they manage to pull through a completely normal pregnancy the second time - I don't think there's any particularly logical explanation to it, except maybe the body needs prepping time? My own mother lost her first baby, had my older brother, had me, lost her 4th baby and then had my younger brother.

I think you're applying common rules for dog breeding onto human beings - and those two don't really work the same way. Miscarriage for humans doesn't necessarily mean that there's anything wrong with the mother.

Nature DOES know best in my opinion. Many babies are born early. The earlier the child is born, the lower are its chances of survival. However, our technology is developed enough to keep a child born at 7 months alive - risks involved of course..

Originally Posted by SCIFFIX View Post
hahahaha bad Mother Nature

So for you a abortion commited by Mother Nature is the same as an abortion commited by a normal woman...

I'm not defending pro-abortion neither anti-abortion. In most cases people defending anti-abortion or pro-abortion presents very weak arguments to prove what they believe, I just want to know in a deeper way the opnion of the people here.

And what about the abortion in the country of people here :
is it proibited?
If not, in what kind of case the mother can use this resource?
If is proibited, why is proibited?
what are the requirements to get an abortion according with your country law?

Anyone know a woman who decided to abort?
Why she decided to abort?
It's obviously not the same thing. But generally ''Mother Nature'' decides FOR the parents and baby that the baby is not capable of 'life' as it is. Be it a condition carried by the mother, a process of the whole meiosis thing. Sometimes the chemical processes that are active during the 'making' of the baby fuck up - it happens. There are various reasons as to why women lose their child naturally / cause of Mother Nature.

We have legal abortions here up to the 12th-15th week I believe.. I'm not quite sure. But there's definitely a limit.

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