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(#5 (permalink))
Maxful (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 589
Join Date: Sep 2010
01-19-2011, 07:42 AM

By the way, masaegu san. For number 10, is it correct if I say "今朝天気予報によると、午後から雨が降るらしいよ" instead of "今朝天気予報で言ってたけど、午後から雨になるらし� �よ"? Is the meaning still the same?

Also, I do not understand these sentences:

A: このかばんは皮でできているようです。
It seems that this bag is made of leather.
This bad seems to be made of leather.

B: 箱の中になにか硬いものが入っているようだ。
It seems that there is something hard in the box.

For A, I do not understand why "できている" was used instead of "できた" or even "できる".

For B, I do not understand why "なにか" and "入っている" were included?
Can I say "箱の中に硬いものがあるようだ"?


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