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JF Ossan
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01-19-2011, 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by RealJames View Post
That's right, it would be wrong to infer that a girl getting lots of expensive gifts is hooking.

I should have mentioned that these friends of my gf said they were doing it.

My gf thinks that that high school girls selling sex is less common now a days but that before "sooo many girls did it!" ... she's not from the best part of Osaka

But anyways, it wasn't thought of as being as much of a big deal here as a westerner might make it out to be.
I am not saying it didn't or it doesn't happen. What I am saying is just because a girl has a nice bag doesn't mean she hooked to get it. If she's cute and smart she shouldn't have to (if that's where her priorities are).

On thing I learned after living in Japan is that the most messed up neighborhood could be a mile away from parks and mansions. How people act in the "not best part of Osaka" is actually very different then how they act in the "ok parts of Osaka".

I am not trying to judge your gf's experience... I am sure it is accurate and real... I am just saying since we are talking about Japan as a whole, it may not be universal.
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