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(#125 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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01-19-2011, 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by spicytuna View Post
Unfortunate necessity? I met several young girls who were trying to sell me their bodies for a Prada Handbag!

Here's an interesting article on this phenomenon.

"While there are a number of women [in Japan] who take up the trade looking for money to pay for their family, or for drugs, the majority of these ladies are working to satisfy a habit of a different kind — consumerism. For women who are looking for a lifestyle of posh restaurants, massages and manicures, and easy access to the season’s latest high-class brand goods, the sex industry is a viable option to earn a high income without the education, talent or long hours normally required for a high-paying career."

From :
Fuzoku Friday
ah well Ilearn something new every day.
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