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Crazyanimefan666 (Offline)
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Businesses in Japan? - 01-19-2011, 10:05 AM

Do you know a successful story happened around you? Sure we know a lot super stars like パナソニック株式会社, but is there any such stories around you? Doesn't have to be very successful ones.

I heard some interesting sayings about Japan:

It's not really a good idea to start a business in Japan, because anything that can be done are pretty much already been done, and giants/monopolies keep nudging new comers out of their market shares.

Things in Japan are usually quite expensive because they starts from manufacture A to wholesaler B, then to wholesaler C, then to wholesaler D, then to retailer E, and the retailers just don't bother to skip a few intermediates because customers are Okay with the prices.

Is it also true that the money that can buy 1 can of coke in Japan can buy 3 cans in the States?
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