Originally Posted by Ryzorian
Tribe doesn't mean liveing in grass huts Ronin. Arbians are TRIBAL, all across the board. Read history for heaven's sake, read about Lawrance of Arbia, he managed to unite the different tribes for a bit in ww1. Iraq is full of tribes, Afganistan, full of tribes. That's part of the problem over there, those "Maps" that have Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Syria? Those are artificial borders made by France and Britain when they carved up that region dureing the colonial period. Those are not the actual borders as understood by many of those regional tribes.
Iraq is acient Babylon, Kuwait was part of Babylon, it's why Saddam reclaimed it. Iran is Persia, much of that area was once the Persian Empire. The Ottoman Turks under a caliphate government controled that whole region for 100's of years. Syria is part of the old Assyrian empire and that goes back several thousand years. Isreal was founded over 3500 years ago, not in 1948. that was isreal being reformed in it's ancestoral homeland.
That's who the US is building relationships with, regional tribes, we support this group against that group and so on and so forth. The US army didn't kill innocent civilians in masse or even as an "opperational" proceedure. Civilians were killed by mistake yes, but that's because jihadi wacko's attacked from civilian sanctuary's and accidents happen. The idea that the US went out of it's way to kill innocent civilians is an out right lie. If you think that it's true, then your full of horse manure.
I'm ex army, that is not what we did. Sure if you fought us we kicked your ass, but we didn't go looking for civilians to line up and kill.
Ah yes history is a wonderful thing but lets face it at one point or another we were all tribal and/or part of an Empire.
That's who the US is building relationships with, regional tribes, we support this group against that group and so on and so forth.
I think traditionaly thats called divide and conquer.
The US army didn't kill innocent civilians in masse or even as an "opperational" proceedure. Civilians were killed by mistake yes, but that's because jihadi wacko's attacked from civilian sanctuary's and accidents happen.
I believe this is traditonally called justification..I personally enjoyed the jihad wacko comment...
denigrate the enemy.....military strategy!......I mean we may as well call them frogs, hun, gooks etc
maybe even rag heads or somthing similar.
Anyway im going of tangent here as you are a military man you have my respect for serving as do 99.9% of your fellows.
but lets not forget the 0.1% that may not be quite as honest/honorable