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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
Posts: 1,346
Join Date: May 2008
Location: 東京都
01-19-2011, 04:33 PM

I have a small business in Japan. I am not super-successful, but my lifestyle has improved a lot over the last year. My business is an internet-based retail store from which I sell goods I purchase in Japan to foreign markets.

I started the store to make a little extra money to pay for a nice vacation each year, but it's been more successful than I expected it to be, and I often have trouble finding enough things to keep my store stocked. The income from my first month matched my regular income from my teaching job, and in subsequent months it has surpassed it.

At the moment I am on track to make 10 million yen in 2011, which is much more than I ever expected. Were the exchange rate better than it is, I would be doing even better.

It feels good to have the ability to support myself without needing an employer if need be, and the success has motivated me to keep an eye open for other opportunities.

Many foreigners in Japan own their own businesses, be they restaurants, bars, or English Schools. Since foreigners are pretty much shut out of traditional employment with typical Japanese companies, many see their own business as the best (if not only) way to get ahead.

And life is about getting ahead, not merely existing.
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