Thread: Views of Sweden
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tazzy (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 90
Join Date: Jan 2011
Views of Sweden - 01-19-2011, 04:57 PM

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone knows what Japanese attitudes to Sweden are like?

I know with the Chinese the attitude is quite non-existant, Sweden is just another country in Europe, some small irrelevant place.
The Japanese though seem a bit more worldly. I remember seeing a Japanese movie (Detroit Metal City) where the guy talked of 'Swedish Pop'- seemingly what the Japanese call twee accoustic pop.
But then even to look to western countries their attitudes to the country are pretty naff- just a place full of hot slutty blondes (totally untrue)....Its a bit of a stretch, I don't expect the Japanese to actively think of the country a lot but is there any view at all?
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