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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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01-19-2011, 09:55 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
Whatcha think of England ^_~ (I'm gonna regret this, aren't I? )

I like K-pop, but I don't really know much about Korea to be honest.
lol.. don't worry. None of this is meant personally. (That might be an indication of what is to follow )

England is similar to New Zealand culturally speaking so I can't really say I particularly like anything about it because it just seems normal to me.

What I dislike about England, I dislike about New Zealand and Western countries in general.

We eat too much, drink too much and are quite materialistic.

On the plus side we have a great tradition of philosophy which promotes egalitarian and philanthropic values. The problem is what we practice is a lot different from what we preach.

I do think England is overpopulated though and London at least is an extremely dirty city.

But on the flipside there is a lot more to do in England than there is in New Zealand and going on holiday to another country is a cheap train or plane fare away.
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