Originally Posted by MissMisa
Whatcha think of England ^_~ (I'm gonna regret this, aren't I?  )
I like K-pop, but I don't really know much about Korea to be honest.
lol.. don't worry. None of this is meant personally. (That might be an indication of what is to follow

England is similar to New Zealand culturally speaking so I can't really say I particularly like anything about it because it just seems normal to me.
What I dislike about England, I dislike about New Zealand and Western countries in general.
We eat too much, drink too much and are quite materialistic.
On the plus side we have a great tradition of philosophy which promotes egalitarian and philanthropic values. The problem is what we practice is a lot different from what we preach.
I do think England is overpopulated though and London at least is an extremely dirty city.
But on the flipside there is a lot more to do in England than there is in New Zealand and going on holiday to another country is a cheap train or plane fare away.