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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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01-20-2011, 03:29 AM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post
I think you might know how to make money sangetsu any tips?

Here are two good stories concerning two people I know. The first is a salaryman who is married and has a daughter in junior high school. Last year he bought three annual passports for the Tokyo Disney Resorts. These passports are expensive, costing more than $900 each. He, his wife, and his daughter go to Disney every week (they live one station away), and during these visits, he, his wife, and his daughter will each buy 3 Duffy or Sally Mae teddy bears. Disney limits purchases of these bears to 3 per person, the cost for each bear is about 3500 yen.

When he gets home with the 9 bears, he takes photos of them with his cell phone, and lists them for sale on eBay Japan. He sells them for about 7500 yen each. At this price, if he visits Disney once each week, he will make enough money to pay for his annual passports in 6 months. At the end of the year, he will have made about $3500 in extra cash.

Another person I know is a retired factory worker who used to assemble televisions for Panasonic. A couple of years before retiring be bought himself a new home computer. He became interested in the internet, and decided to make a home page for his family. He bought a couple of books and found some instructional videos on Youtube showing how to make web pages. After a couple of weeks of work he ended up making a good, family home page.

His friends and relatives liked the home page, and asked him to make pages for them as well. Being a nice guy, he did as they asked, and made the pages without being paid. Then a family friend who had a dry-cleaning shop asked if he could make a website for her store, she offered to pay 50,000 yen for the job. He agreed, and he made her a nice site. Other small business people were impressed by the website, and he began to get busy making webpages for many of the small shops and stores in his area.

After a year, he was making more money building webpages at home than he was making building televisions at work. He was tempted to quit his job, but he was only one year away from retirement, so his wife persuaded him to keep working. After retirement be began making websites full-time, and last year a large company offered to buy his website business from him.

This story is interesting because the man involved was nearly 60 years old, and didn't really have much experience with computers or building webpages. But he put in the effort to learn, and he had a little good luck. Once he began to make a little money, he was motivated to work harder, and after that he simply made his own luck.

With the internet and a worldwide market, it is now easier than ever to start a business or simply find a niche which makes a little extra money. You can find a way if you take the time and trouble to look for it. You can't ever tell yourself that it's not possible, or that it's too difficult, because saying such things often make them true.

Opportunities most often come at times when the economy is rising or declining. At the moment there is a decline, people have less money to spend, and there are bargains to be found if one looks for them. The idea is either take advantage of things you can find cheaply and sell for a profit, or provide a service which is in demand when times are difficult.

There are 2 types of people in the world, those that can, and those that can't. The difference between them has nothing to do with education, environment, or intelligence, it has to do with simple choice. You can choose to get ahead and do what it takes to get ahead, or you can toss up your hands and be taken by the tide. At the moment the tide is moving down and out.
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