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JF Ossan
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01-20-2011, 03:55 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
There are 2 types of people in the world, those that can, and those that can't. The difference between them has nothing to do with education, environment, or intelligence, it has to do with simple choice. You can choose to get ahead and do what it takes to get ahead, or you can toss up your hands and be taken by the tide. At the moment the tide is moving down and out.
I want to paraphrase a line from Mad Men made from a secretary to a construction worker talking about working at an ad agency:

"Those people, in Manhattan. They are better than us."


"Because they want things they haven't seen."

She's talking about visionaries.

The reason 80% of small businesses fail is not because they are a bad idea, but is because 80% of small businesses never actually make it to market. People give up before there is a chance to actually make money. Have you ever asked yourself "How does that store stay in business?" Because they followed through, that's why.
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