01-20-2011, 04:43 PM
^ Yeah. I think more people are familiar with the 'commercial accent'/'Hollywood accent' {I call it that.} that people see on T.V. When I can watch T.V. I'll like to watch the reality shows because sometimes you can't even really understand a word they're saying because they talk so fast. People who act and all are just trained to speak in a way where it can sound clearly and naturally for their character so yeah. That's that commercial/hollywood accent. Either way, for me, I can tell what is a Canadian accent. But I don't know what people really mean by the standard American English. As far as I had thought, Americans just speak it, English, the way they can or want to. I kind of live in a place where accents are different left and right. {Spanish, Asian, Spanish-American, Muslim, redneck, cowboy/girl-- it's actually really fun to hear everyone buzzing.}
*plooka plooka*
Rin no talk. 私の一番な色は何ですか。「Day--」 黒沼爽子と翔太くん。いつでも/もじもじ-- 30