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(#129 (permalink))
Brass (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 83
Join Date: Feb 2010
01-20-2011, 06:35 PM

Again, I probably have vastly different morals, but I don't really see what the problem is if high school girls want to hook to buy the latest iphone.

Again, girls have been hooking in exchange for money/tools/food/shelter since the beginning of humankind. It's in our nature. In my opinion (again, only opinion!) you guys have a moral objection to something that is buried deep inside our DNA.

Why do you think 99% of the time the man is the one paying for sex? How many male high school boys can hook for money/dinner?

This is just how our nature works and will always work. I am believe that most of the girls will not get emotionally damaged voluntarily hooking on the weekends in their free time, and probably will eventually stop when they get their career going and don't need to hook anymore.
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