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(#130 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
01-20-2011, 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by Brass View Post
This is just how our nature works and will always work. I am believe that most of the girls will not get emotionally damaged voluntarily hooking on the weekends in their free time, and probably will eventually stop when they get their career going and don't need to hook anymore.
Perhaps the disagreement between your thoughts and other members stems from perceptions of who a prostitute is . . . I mean in some places in the USA its legal and there's brothels that have high security, women who are treated kindly, and some do use it as a means to pay for college and things, volunteering to do so. I have seen some interviewed who are happy and well-adjusted and 'enjoy' it.

However these women are far from being a majority. In many countries it is illegal to prostitute oneself, and even in countries when it isn't illegal 'brothels' are illegal. These women get no protection in any way or form. They can be subject to rapes, beatings, kidnappings . . . and these things are common. I'm sure a few our British members could name a fair few serial killers here who preyed on prostitutes. Then - if a prostitute does report a crime - she is hardly ever taken seriouly, because of their job.

I guess you could argue 'why not legalise it', which then falls back to 'morals', but I would point out that women - in both case - who 'volunteer' to prositute rarely do so for fun. Usually it is for various issues that Columbine named, and so many of these women will be emotionally damaged from the experience in one way or another.

That isn't even getting into issues such as sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies (and then issues of 'who is the father?'), or the devaluation of sex or the objectification of women . . . And if you want to argue 'nature', then maybe it's biologically natural for a man to 'get around', but I'm very certain that biologically speaking women are programmed to be monogamous and 'nest', in which case prostitution is unnatural. Even if it was around since the dawn of time, does that make it right? We're a civilised people, we aren't back in the time of Mary Magdeline or whatever, so surely with such intellectual evolution comes a change in morals too?
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