Originally Posted by princessmarisa
wow you are so brave to attempt that even if you had a fully functional arm. I admire you  I'd love to see any xrays or anything you have of that fracture, out of curiosity!
What does a bone graft entail, sounds cringeworthy.
A bone graft involves a surgical procedure (under general anaesthesia) where they add bone matter to the damaged area to promote bone growth. The bone is usually taken from the lilac crest on your pelvis. This of course is fairly painful in the long run since it basically equates to you breaking your hip in addition to your original injury.
In my case, they used something called a BMP (Bone Morphogenetic Protein) to kickstart bone growth. It comes in a bottle and apparently costs around $5,000 per ounce.
I've got some x-rays which I'll upload later.