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TalnSG (Offline)
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01-20-2011, 10:22 PM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post
I know it's a low risk surgery and if I had to have mine removed I wouldn't be worried about getting a scar cause I like them. I hate that now they don't cut your skin to get the appendix out and instead they do a tiny incision and use aspiration techniques to remove the appendix from the colon. Does anyone know if you can actually request that they do it the old way? x)
You can request it, but I cannot imagine any surgeon agreeing to perform that method. Surgical procedures change to improve recovery, so unlessed forced because of lack of resources, a good surgeon will use the most current and safest procedure possible.

As for the safety once the appendix has burst, that is not something to risk. If it bursts before it is removed from the body, the contaminants that caused the rupture (toxins, germs, etc) are now moving freely throughout the body. This is a serious issue and used to be a major cause of death before appendectomies were possible. This is why once there is a diagnosis of a problem with the appendix, removal is usually done immediately.

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