Thread: Re Abortions
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(#83 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Jun 2009
01-21-2011, 03:19 AM

Go Native, I said that because us "helping" isn't helping the situation. We spend billions a year on preventable disease, billions more on food an rebuilding areas devestated by who knows what. It doesn't change the core problem of why most of these third world nations are full of starveing, poverty stricken people. It's the warlords, crime bosses, dictators, slavers and pirates that rule these area's that are the problem.

Now unless you want the west to just go invadeing all those places willy nilly in the name of "the greater good" fine. But be ready for the world backlash, I mean really, if they are mad about a couple country's the US is in now, I'm sure they would really be upset if it was half the third world. Besides, last time we tried to feed starveing people we ended up with world condemnation and 2 downed blackhawks....

Also, I can't do anything about Africa, so why bring that up as an arguement? Sure it's unfortunate what happens there but I'm 12,000 miles away. It doesn't mean I don't hold thier lives any less valuable, life is life, it's either all precious or none of it is. However, worrying to death over 10,000 children I can't help, over perhaps saveing one I can, is wasteing time.

Missmisa; I had a friend in Highschool who Survived an abortion..tell me, was she alive? because she was aborted before birth, so technically never was born and thus never became "alive". as your seeming to say. Would it be ok for her orginal birth mother to come back and "complete" the abortion she had 17 years before? because afterall..she was never "alive" anyway?
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