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neothe1 (Offline)
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01-21-2011, 04:16 AM

It merits another look, then. Sorry, all of this has bee written between seminars.

Now, I understand your views on paper dictionaries. Having said that, I have discovered that 新和英大辞典 is available for the iPhone on iTunes for only CAD $109.99; the 新英和大辞典 counterpart is also $109.99), while Amazon Japan carries a J-E Kenkyusha for ¥22,050 and an E-J Kenkyusha for ¥22,050.

Now, this is very interesting, if we follow your logic that digital=better. Whereas I'd have to pay ¥44,100.00 (CAD $529.379) to have a set of the most comprehensive paper E-J and J-E dictionaries on earth, I can pay a mere CAD $219.98 for a set of both, right on my iPhone (or iPod Touch, or iPad!) This is it! This is the answer I have been looking for!
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