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(#28 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Location: South coast England
01-21-2011, 02:18 PM

I said that steam trains Left lots of smut on clothes etc.

I did not say Leaves.

Fifty years--not quite I think.

It was in the mid sixties when we had to stop using coal fires that smoke.

Some places i have visited such as HULL have huge chemical factories.

London has to cope with a lot of people-------- it costs a lot of money to clean public buildings.

as far as dogs are concerned its against the law not to pick up the poo. There again its lazy owners to blame.

we have pigeons and seagulls here near the sea and starlings can leave a heck of a mess

I used to think that Edinburgh was very dark and grey. mostlybecause of the granite buildings but when they are cleaned they look wonderful.

London is like many little villages. I spent a lot of my childhood in battersea immediately following the war-- there was a lot of bomb damage. Nowadays it is a place for commuters and the property is sky high in price compared to what it used to be like. Awful smelly factories. I also have lived in other parts of London

It depends which part of London you visit. I love London for its many parks and common land

I live by the sea now so would not want to live back in London but there are many sides to the city and its suburbs.

I still say that people have to be tidier and not drop so much litter.

One time when I was in glastonbury I was shocked at the way litter louts just dropped litter.

We also have many of those here. even though there is a law most people seem to ignore it.


Last edited by dogsbody70 : 01-21-2011 at 02:22 PM.
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