Thread: Re Abortions
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(#86 (permalink))
File0 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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01-21-2011, 03:01 PM

In the case of a human fetus the heart begins to beat around the 18th day, the central nervous-system 'appears' around the 6th week.
Most countries allow abortion up to the 12th week which means almost fully developed heart and nicely developed brain.
Sure we can say there are still so many things to develop, but if you compare new born humans to new born animals(for example most mammals) you can see that human newborns are way too undeveloped, but no one would say they're not alive...

In my opinion when someone aborts a baby it means the end of a life and not that some bacteria(-like-thing) dies or some undeveloped thing comes out of someone, it means the end of one life. The 12 weeks old baby surely can feel pain and aware of many things(it has brain, eyes, ears, hands and feet...), but even after the 18th day there is a heart which beats so I think the fetus is pretty much alive, and most of the abortions happens after that time.

What I mean to say is that in many countries the laws are too easy along with the stance of the society. It's hard to draw the line but is necessary to keep things sanely. So there wouldn't be cases when young couples were experimenting, if they could get pregnant or not, and when they succeeded they just went to do the abortion.

And yes there are the natural cases of abortion, along with (for example)the (natural) genetic diseases which can cause the natural death of an adult (or a fetus as well). And no one would say they shouldn't fight for their lives because it's natural for them to die... hold this in mind when you defend abortion with the reason of: 'nature does it too'.

I honestly don't know how could be the prevention more effective, so there would be less unwanted babies, but for me it'd be the only solution. If you don't want a baby than don't hazard with it, and if you were so stupid that you're already pregnant than bear the consequences... and don't say abortion does not mean the end of a life to ease your heart, cause that's just ignorant and selfish.
In other words: it's OK that women can chose weather they want the child or not, but when they do it shouldn't be an easy choice, they shouldn't lie themselves that it's just a simple operation, and it's almost nothing and it's far away from killing a human being...
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