Originally Posted by MissMisa
Not too bothered about Ghibli, I like Ghibli but not THAT much. Ghibli is for my next visit to Japan. For now I want to see all the stuff I really want to see.
This was my plan too, jeans, tshirt and kitty hoody xD And then something so I don't feel too out of place in Shibuya 109 xD Which is prolly impossible because I don't wanna spend 3873275 on clothes, haha.
haha its not just shibuya it is everywhere. Japanese women in late teens early 20s in the trendy places make a billion efforts.
Reason I felt so out of it was I was rained on my hair soggy, makeup running, in a brown plain tshirt I had worn for 2days and felt nasty and jeans that didn't really fit with a huge shopping bag from a day trapsing around.
You always manage to look casual stylish so will be fine, plus we are tourist gaijin, we can dress however we want and still get served