01-21-2011, 06:40 PM
As I said I want to avoid English at all levels...I want to start seeing a Japanese word for what it means and not what it translates into (after all that's what I HAD to do when I moved to the USA). But yes for 9 bucks I would say it is a great tool. I payed mine 50 bucks and it doesn't seem to provide the same amount of choices.
[「悲しみ」が原義]派 angry (形)
名 (Uncountable) [or an ~](...への/...についての)怒り、立腹 (at,for,against /about,over) (類 indignation, rage, fury, wrath)
-----follow some examples------
動 ((正式)) 他 <人・物>を怒らせる、立腹さ せる.
自 腹をたてる、立腹する (get angry)
However I have learnt something new... I didn't know 炎症 meant also anger. I knew it only as medical terminology. LOL I used it alot writing to a friend to tell her about my bad chronic inflammation in my lower back..I hope she didn't think I was mad LOL.
降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ
everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ