Thread: Re Abortions
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(#102 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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01-21-2011, 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by MissMisa View Post
No no no no. It's opinion. There is no solid facts as to what constitutes as life, so this point is not arguable. You can tell her she's wrong and whatever else you want to say, but she's not. It's an opinion based on your own feelings and it can't be wrong.

Firstly, how do you know I haven't? (I haven't, but you wouldn't have known that before now.)

Secondly, I am because I'm not an idiot. And yes, it would be easy for me, and I know it. I have no emotional attachment to what I believe is a collection of cells. I have no reason to get upset over it, or find this decision difficult. I'm sure abortion is an easy choice for at least some women, even though it would be a small minority.
why pretend it is not alive when it patently IS. Otherwise it would have died naturally inside the womb and been aborted.

I think those who try to pretend a developing foetus and baby is not alive is kidding themselves because it suits them to believe that.

It has to be alive to continue developing. nothing to do with opinions at all.

It is not some substance that has no life about it it is growing and changing constantly. No way could that happen if it was DEAD
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