Originally Posted by Sitron
I think I'm ugly because people in high school used to call me that all the time, and even now in business college I get called ugly by friends. I also have never had a girlfriend or even gotten a kiss.
Yes I am skinny, but I have a belly like those starving kids in Africa for some weird reason. Also I know that being Arab or from the Middle-East is a huge disadvantage, nobody finds us exotic, and we do have a bad reputation. I think you being a black is no disadvantage at all though, blacks are cool in this day and age of hip-hop.
Ok for one, do you go to a all white school or mostly white school? Do you live in the south? You have to understand a lot of times when people call you ugly it's just a PC way of calling you a nigger (or whatever the racial slur is for arabs). Serious. You have to shrug that shit off. It sounds like your confidence got beat down in high school. You need to get some self respect back man and not worry what others think about you. Trust me, you are not ugly. And I'm being serious, if you were ugly I would say so and not sugar coat it.
If you are skinny with a potbelly, don't worry it's better than being a fat ass. Just get a gym membership and work it off while gaining muscle. I can PM you a workout program if you want.
And yes arabs have a bad rap but trust me you CAN get girls as an arab or any race (I've seen just about every race combination you could think of). I have a lot of Indian friends (yes I know, not arab, but close) and they get girls just fine. Yes a lot of girls will hate on you but you just gotta shrug if off and go for the girls who don't care. They are out there.
Being black is not a crippling disadvantage, but there are some times where it is, especially of the girl hates the hip hop scene. I'm not even a hip hop guy really, so it sometimes it's a disadvantage for me because a girl will assume I'm part of that culture, find out I'm not then not be interested anymore. One time I dated a white girl for like a month that was huge hip hop head and broke up with me because I don't like going to the black hip hop clubs (too ghetto).