Thread: Martial Arts
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pumpum (Offline)
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Martial Arts - 01-22-2011, 12:43 AM

Ok this even hard for me to say because i have been a fan of martial arts for the longest...

However the time has finally come where i just have to say that this Martial arts stuff is all a load of S***. I have been involved in so much violence in my life and so many fights and never once have i seen or used any martial arts move FOR AN ADVANTAGE in any scenario. I bet there are people who will disagree but i am telling you i train with some hardcore martial artists and yeah they are extremely fit and healthy but i have seen them get battered on a night out by joe nobody and the ones that dont - dont actually use any martial art to asist them either - its all fake!

real fighting with real agression involves no planning or no art, you just collide and go for it. (maybe there might be an argument on the stamina side)

The things that come to those who wait are the things that are left by those who got there first !
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