Originally Posted by Sitron
I think I'm ugly because people in high school used to call me that all the time, and even now in business college I get called ugly by friends. I also have never had a girlfriend or even gotten a kiss.
Yes I am skinny, but I have a belly like those starving kids in Africa for some weird reason. Also I know that being Arab or from the Middle-East is a huge disadvantage, nobody finds us exotic, and we do have a bad reputation. I think you being a black is no disadvantage at all though, blacks are cool in this day and age of hip-hop.
I like the arab/middle-eastern/indian-asian look a *lot*
So much that in the past I have overlooked personality and other flaws just for that tanned, brown eye'd cute thing going on.
So don't kid yourself that no girls like that.
On the other hand I would probably be put off you pretty fast because you aren't in best physical condition yourself (by your own admission) yet you will judge others and want a 7/10 pretty, cool girl you can show off.
Not saying go for people you don't find attractive, but stop judging people on a chart (because you tend to just copy everyone elses ideas of beauty and go for plastics, plastics only want other plastics)
work with what you have, and find out what you find cute/attractive on an individual level that perhaps others don't.
You sound like you only want a gf for sex for free. What is in it for the girl? IF you ain't a muscley ripped heart throb, they ain't going to want you just for sex, and the 7/10 typically attractive girls tend to want someone they can show off too.
I hate the phrase, but play in your league, and you will find out what you find attractive in real people.
Originally Posted by Pain12
...two.... girls...? *droooowl*
Oh sh-