Originally Posted by Ryzorian
Missmisa, Becareful with "survive on it's own". A newborn would be seperate as an individual and certainly surveing on it's own as to breathing, but it's completely helpless with out the mother to care for it. I would also contend that a child is pretty much helpless to survive on it's "Own" for the first several years of it's life.
Princessmarisa; I'm not going to berate you for haveing an opion contrary to mine. I will offer idea's as to why I think how I do and your free to decide wether you agree or not.
I may come across as bombastic sometimes as I tend to exspress things in a blunt, straight forward manner, seldom considering secondary aspects to any given discussion. However, my bark is worse than my bite.
I know you ain't going to berate me it was more some others I was warning off
I too bark a lot, but unlike you I also bite ROAR