Thread: China
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01-23-2011, 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by JohnBraden View Post
I don't live in China so I don't know anything personally.... All the information I know comes from other sources-sources that can be biased.... I don't have any "evidence".... I'm not an economist, so I can't explain to you what they're doing to the world's economies.... I don't work for Amnesty International so I don't know of any alleged "atrocities" or human rights violations.... etc....

And right now, I just don't have the time or patience to cater to your queries-queries that may be better answered in You asked a question and I answered. If the answer wasn't the one you wanted, then it's not my fault nor my problem....
btw i just wanna point out that this is what im talking about - this guy started off saying ..

"It is a censored society. People don't have the freedoms others do or take for granted. and that's just for starters...."

making China sound kinda ominous and bad - but then under scrutiny it turns out he doesnt actually know much and is just repeating what he hears in his enviroment.

thats the enviroment im getting at - all the media and news seem to be making out that Chian is a truly oppressive or horrific regime, they may be somewhat true - im just tryin to dig a bit further instead of just going along with something that doesnt make sense to me.

The things that come to those who wait are the things that are left by those who got there first !
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