Thread: Martial Arts
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01-23-2011, 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by godwine View Post
Street fight has no rules... a properly train martial artist are trained to be prepared for all kind of situation and attack. Your example of a punch, sure, anyone can throw a punch, but how many knows how to do it properly? And how many know how to hold their fist properly? As ronin said, the training doesn't make you invincible, but having the additional knowledge and be able to apply it is different... people who train in the art and is too comfy sparring in the partner is totally different from someone who train to handle street situation specifically.... In my dojo, we have multiple type of training: Traditional and Sport. Traditional training is very very different, we emphasize on real street situation... anything is allowed, the "below belt" rule does not exist
in that case wouldnt boxing be fine - what extra would you gain from martial arts as opposed to normal boxing or kickboxing?

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