Thread: An anecdote.
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ModusOperandi (Offline)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
01-24-2011, 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by WingsToDiscovery
So I ask those of you who wish to pack your bags and move to Japan without ever stepping foot over here before; what makes you think you'll succeed? What makes you thing you'll enjoy your time, that you'll fit in? What is driving you so hard to come here? What if i doesn't meet your expectations?
It's simple really, you'll never really know until you do matter if your initial interest in the country is realistic or not, you have to try it to come to a conclusion.

If you want to live in Japan, for whatever reason, then the only way you can gauge how well you'll manage to do so, is by doing it. Not by visiting the country, reading about it or watching it on t.v. You actually have to live there to be able to tell how well you'll be able to do in that country. Even if you're somehow guaranteed a stable and comfortable income, it is crucial to understand that living transcends financial capabilities.

It's just something you have to experience if you have the interest. It may work out for some, it may not for others and maybe some will have to adjust themselves and so on.

It happens no matter where it is you're planning to live.
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