Originally Posted by edelweiss
I've been with the same person for 20 years this next spring. I went for common interests, intelligence, sense of humor and a good sense of fashion. I guess it worked.
Let me make things clear before I write my own opinions about personality vs attraction. I just quoted edelweiss because I agree with him/her (I dont know you were a male or female so). I hope no one is confused by my comment
There are many studies that shows which couple are more happy, either similar or opposite. However, when they are with someone who has similar interests, intelligences, personal traits and so forth. so I agree with you and understand why you've been with the same person for 20 years
Well, I would say both personality and outer look matters. But what matters the most is did you find the someone who can share similar interests and understand each other. Since, you asked between personality and attraction. I would have to say personality takes over attraction because the truth of each individual's self is what's inside of him/her. For instance, would you rather be with someone who is handsome/cute with no manner, crappy personality or someone who is somewhat less handsome/cute but with great manner and personality? Personally, when I see a cute/pretty girl but find out she has a horrible personality I would lose interest. What I want to say is that basically outer surface, we often call attraction, only is a cover of who that person is. You know the old saying, "Do not judge the book by its cover." I think you get the idea