Originally Posted by MMM
For me, the moral compass of that show is set too low for me to enjoy it. Does that make sense.
That makes a lot of sense.
To be honest I haven't seen a show like the one I ask for (or Jersey Shore) so I can't really say if it would work for me either. But I do get irritated at times with the moral compass getting in the way of the realism and practicality of the character's motives, which makes me think I'd enjoy a show more if there were less of that.
I say it's too preachy because I often find myself saying "Who would do that?? Anyone who had just been through that would let that fucker die!". It's like morality supersedes character authenticity otherwise the fcc will shit on your head.
The other thing that I could go with less of is product placement, but True Blood is great for having very little of it, and unlike morality I do consider product placement to be a necessary evil, if I dare call morality evil lol.