Thank you for your reply
Originally Posted by masaegu
It may just be my English but do the first and 4th lines of your translation above make sense to yourself? If yes, please disregard this. The original line means (or at least implies) "The harder it is to see you, the more badly I want to see you."
The English makes sense to me, but that may just be because it was me who wrote it
It's quite awkward English at best but I wasn't sure how to translate this kind of sentence (Along with a lot of the other sentences in this song)
Now you have shown me your translation I can see that the meaning is basically the same as the ~ば~ほど structure

(Or so it seems)
I should have known how to translate this really.
But I guess that's what happens when you stop studying for 6 months.
Originally Posted by masaegu
"これからは俺が守るよ 誓ったはずだったけどI had sworn to protect you"
The nuance here is that the guy failed to follow through on it.
Ah I see.
I wondered what the actual meaning of this was.
Thank you for telling me about this nuance; it would have taken me a long time to find out by myself.
Originally Posted by masaegu
Can't say you got the sentence structure or you were able to read between the words here. Not saying the latter is easy, though.
"But I did things like hurting you by always going out with my guy friends"
I think my problem here was that I wasn't sure who was hurting who, which lead to my guessing and bad translation.
Despite the fact that I have made a lot of mistakes, I have, and still am learning a lot from just trying to understand this one song.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate you help you have given me

Thank you.