Originally Posted by TheLastFortnight
I don't understand why some people think that wanting to be with someone just for sex is shallow. In fact, I already said before that love is nothing more than an idealisation or rationalisation of the sexual instinct, there would be no love without sex. Of course, I'm talking about this kind of love, not brotherly, motherly love or whatever.
Ok I have not fully caught up but this is the part I want to respond to. perhaps I will retract later. Anyhow, this sounds like a lot of hogwash to me. You are basically saying that love and relationships are just based upon sex? So what happens when people start to get older.. less attractive.. stuff stops working.. is that why there are couples that stay together for 50 plus years.. they based their relationship solely upon the "sex" that they have for one another? Dude get real, or at least think through about what you are saying. A wife solely is with her husband because of his cock. And guys marry their wives only based upon how much they like their tits.. right? I mean that is how this whole love thing that people base relationships on works right, according to you? Relationships based on sex are shallow, because that is as deep as they will ever go.
And unfortunately for Sitron, in my experience most women out there want to be a little more than a glory hole to a man, and want a little more from a man than to have his penis in them... call me crazy right??