Originally Posted by dogsbody70
Are Geisha available? I should imagine that they are extremely expensive as they have to demonstrate their varied skills?
I've seen programmes from NHK about Geisha and from what I've gathered, a gaijin has almost no chance of being entertained by one unless he is invited by a customer who is almost a "regular" at hanamachi ochayas. That world seems to be closed to foreigners for the most part and all you get to see is them traveling about the hanamachi from okiya to ochaya. I think it has much to do with the ochayas catering to people they know, along with their tastes and likes and therefore wouldn't want to service people they are not comfortable with. It is quite expensive to go to one of these places and I've heard of $2000 to $4000/person for a party not being too rare.... Those places have their regular clientele and cater only to them, for the most part. If one is invited to attend one of these places, I'd imagine it would be considered an honor and utmost privilege.
That was the impression I've taken from watching those documentaries, so it may not be entirely true....