Originally Posted by dogsbody70
HI Umihito-- Motor neurone disease is really awful-- I would not wish it on my worst enemy. everyone is an individual so their personal needs many not be like somebody elses. you need to be the person that you are without worrying about being like others.
I worry when you mention assisted suicides. We did hear about too many young people killing themselves in Wales last year. I wondered why that was. It is a terrible thing to do and a real cry for help.
Have faith in yourself and your own feelings. We do not have to copy everyone else do we.
Agreed. It was a very emotional programme, and very controversial because it showed his dead body.

I'm desensitised to things like that, but it didn't make it any less emotional.
And yeah, I guess other people's priorities are drastically different.
yeah, the Bridgend suicides, I live quite close to there. I have no idea what the reasons were either, I think they were all unrelated events.