Originally Posted by MMM
If you are 18 now and the school year ends in March, then you will be too old to attend traditional Japanese high school.
Shoot :X, they have such a limit there, are you sure about this =) ? Hm, well how does working with a work&travel visa sounds while staying at my uncle ? Would be doable too

Originally Posted by siokan
The class of the public high school school is only Japanese.
(Exclude a special case)
If it is an urban area, it is an international school.
Or, it is a private school that teaches it excluding Japanese though the number is very little.
In the assistance of tuition, the public high school school is a full amount.
The subsidy of the tuition of a private high school is different in the region and the household revenue where it lives.
The visa of entering school was revised last year.
There seems to be a kind to which the period is extended, too.
The condition is not understood though the extension of the visa is also possible.
Issue terms of the visa are not understood. ;_;
Hm, what are the chances for a "special-case" like me ?
I mean, it is somewhat true that I am maybe a little bit too old as a freshman, right? Or are there actually people who start over again even if they are 18 already? Learning Japanese won't be such a big problem, I may sound bold but I am miraculously good in languages, don't know why :X, besides my uncle's wife could teach me too. I am sorry but could you explain the assistance you mentioned? I don't quite get the meaning, I'm sorry.
Thanks for your help,
very friendly forum I appreciate it.