Originally Posted by Mazzy
I'm not in Japan, but I do try to cook Japanese style food regularly. I'm just curious what the standard cheap meals are overseas. Soy sauce is too salty for plain rice, IMO, but I haven't tried it with egg. Raw eggs have a small possibility of salmonella but are more nutritious than when cooked. I used to eat plenty of raw eggs and use them in shakes a few years ago when I was really into fitness.
But, why is there such a negative view of putting soy sauce on white rice?
I'm not sure. In fact, I think the Chinese put soy sauce directly on their white rice...
To Japanese, soy sauce is a condiment and pouring it on the rice might considered as weird as a 'mustard sandwich' ( which a friend growing up poor & black in the US reported eating occasionally when he grew up). Or, like taking a huge dollop of ketchup or sugar and stirring it into a glass of water -- which I once saw a homeless fellow do in restaurant. Associations of being low class and inappropriate.