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Suki (Offline)
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01-30-2011, 05:48 PM

It's fixed now! Damn, all I had to do was update my Java version to the latest one, that seemed to be the issue... >.>'

Thanks so much, guys!!!


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EDIT: GAAAAAAAH! It's happening again! Jeez, how does one thing get solved then goes back to being crazy? crapcrapcrappp!

Okay, guess I'll try what you suggested. Awh, just when I thought I'd fixed it, man...


Fixed again!

Originally Posted by JohnBraden
It does seem to be related to Flash (that damn Flash seems to have been at the root of a number of problems.) If you start the Chrome Task Manager (Shift+Esc) and end the Shockwave Flash Plug-in, the pointer / I-beam insertion point returns. There are a fair number of sites that propose installing what may be a Firefox plug-in - pTAM: How to Install Adobe Flash Plugin for Google Chrome, e.g. Any comments?
Anddd thank you! Your link was the answer to the problem I really didn't think it was Flash-related, but I googled my problem, which led me to a forum page where lots of people were having the same issue (which did feel nice, I hate feeling like I'm the only one getting errors so it's comforting to know the same shit happens to other people as well LOL), and so I checked the link, downloaded whatever plug-in needed and... solved! Thanks a lot, John! You're a lifesaver!


Oh My GOD!

Happening again... If you'll excuse me, I'll go shoot myself now.

everything is relative and contradictory ~

Last edited by Suki : 01-30-2011 at 06:46 PM.
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