Originally Posted by GoNative
Actually you don't. I have lived here 7 years and was never and am still not overly interested in the culture. I obviously live within that culture but it had little to do with me moving here. I'm into snow and mountains and Hokkaido offers plenty of both. It's why I moved here and why I have stayed for so long. The lifestyle has been fantastic.
I agree, you don't have to be interested in an culture in order to live among it, its probably a good reason to, but not a must. I always wanted to live in japan because of its role in the technologicacl world, failing to find a job, i gave up on this idea (Though I try to visit every year on vacation)... That said, I am also interested in its culture, but thats not my reason for wanting to live there..... its more like a situation where I want to live there for one thing, and having an interest in its culutre made the thought more "acceptable"