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Ojamajoz (Offline)
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I don't know what this guy means... - 02-01-2011, 08:19 PM

Okay, so I asked someone a question on twitter on why he posts many pictures of his food. He says this:


I don't get what he means. I'm guessing "載せる" means "to send out", but what does "載せたい" mean? Does that mean to not send out? Also, the next thing he says is "から", which means "because" I think. Did he just not understand what I said or something? Is he saying something like "just because..."?

So I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me what this means. Thanks.

EDIT: Sorry guys for starting a new thread. I didn't see the other thread where you post questions on translation. I'm not familiar with this site. Sorry! Mods: just delete this thread if you want.

Last edited by Ojamajoz : 02-01-2011 at 08:24 PM.
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