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masaegu (Offline)
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02-02-2011, 03:02 AM

Originally Posted by StonerPenguin View Post
I'm tryin' to ask as few questions as possible buuut I need help again;
「もし仮に君の言う「運を吸い取る力」が本当だとした ら」
If we assume that there really is a "power to absorb luck" like you say
「人間とって「運」は幻じゃなくて生きるために必要な 養分みたいな存在と考えられる」
It's conceivable that "Luck" isn't intangible and is a necessary nutrient in order to live (? This sentence is kinda long so I'm not sure how to word it)
When it's used up, something happens and you die right?
「花凛ちゃんに起こったことや現状をそれと組み合わせ て考えると・・・」
If you consider that with what's been happening to Karin and her current condition... (?)
This is sticking strictly to my hypothesis though

Just to nitpick, "is a necessary nutrient" > "is like a necessary nutrient ".